Thursday, November 3, 2022


 Hi my dear readers, I know it has been a long time since I have posted and I am sorry. FYI, now people should be able to comment because my parents fixed the problem with commenting. Now I am in the wonderful grassland of Salerno.

 But let’s rewind to October 31 (Halloween night). It was a dark and stormy night. Not really--it was the afternoon and pretty sunny, but that’s how all good stories start and this is a good one. So, it was a sunny afternoon one day when my parents suggested we go to Pompeii for Halloween. What isn’t scarier than lava murdering people? We all agreed that it would be fun to go, so we hopped on a train and went! 

When we arrived in Pompeii, it was AWESOME!!!! The reason why it was so awesome is because we got to see one of my biggest interests right now: an ancient Roman gladiator arena! I also can’t wait until I can see the Colosseum but let's focus on this. At Pompeii we walked around and got to see all of the old buildings and architecture. It was pretty cool. When we were done with that we checked out the gift shop and explored the city.

That takes us to the night! I happened to have fake blood and scars on my face and that turned out well when all of the kids started to go into the businesses and came out with candy and snacks! My parents pushed me to go and trick or treat, so I did it and had a lot of fun. The day ended so we went back and slept.

As I mentioned earlier of how I am in the city of Salerno, which is a rough city despite the pictures on the internet. It is ok here. I am going to show you pics of a grassland which is actually our park. Also my new fastest Rubix cube solve is 48 seconds! I will post a video of me doing my solve in later posts.