Thursday, October 20, 2022

Book list

My Book List: 

  • Journey to the center of the earth.          By: Jules Vern.    
 A novel about a geologist, his nephew, and their journey to discover the wonders that await at the center of the earth.
  • Around the world in 80 days.                 By: Jules Vern    
A book about a young man and his quest to  travel around the world in 80 day through the struggles that he faces.
  • Two thousand leagues under the sea.      By: Jules Vern   
A book that takes you through a ocean adventure in the depths of the sea.
  • Stamped.      By: Jason Reynolds.     
A novel that explains the story of racism and the hardships that some people faced.
  • The Heir Chronicles.   By: Cinda Williams Chima.     
A wonderful, 5-book fantasy series that takes you on an adventure through a mystical land of dragons, wizards, and magic.
  • Bus 57     By: Dashka Slater.    
A true story of how a teenage boy sets someone on a bus on fire.
  • The Old Man and the Sea.       By: Ernest Hemingway.     
A stunning story of an old man going on an adventure to catch the biggest fish of his life.
  • Trash.             By: Andy Mulligan.  
A deep book about a kid who works on a trash pile sorting through it to find something to sell. And the day that changed his life…
  • Dear Martin.  By: Nic Stone.    
A novel about a young black male who struggles through the hardships of racism.

  • These are the books I have read so far on this year. Keep checking out this list over the year because I will update it frequently.

Updated book list: 

  • Circe      By:  Madeline Miller   
A fantasy book about a Greek goddess of sorcery (Circe) that was exiled to an island to live with other exiled young maidens. They helped marooned sailors with good intentions and transformed those with bad intentions. It also talks about the part she plays in Odysseus’s return home and how they became lovers. 
  • The Song of Achilles     By:  Madeline Miller
A thrilling novel about a god-like, best of the best warrior who plays a major part in the fall of Troy.
  • The Last Olympian (series)    By:  Rick Riordan
A series that takes you into the depths of Greco-Roman mythology portrayed through a fictional third-person adventure.  ( sequel to the Percy Jackson series ).
  • Percy Jackson (series)       By:  Rick Riordan
Also another fantasy series but it takes you into just Greek mythology rather than Greco-Roman mythology. Amazing series with lots of fun characters as well a meet ups with well know Greek monsters, gods, and heroes.
  • Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four     By:  Sir. 
Arthur Conan DoyleAbout Sherlock Holmes uncovering a murder/ treasure theft mystery.
  • Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet    By:  Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle 
A personal favorite of mine about a religious cult who controls the west and two lovers not aloud to love, but for a certain reason…
  • Sherlock Holmes: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes    By:  Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle 
A book of Sherlock Holmes short stories were each chapter it is a new evan more mysterious case.