Thursday, September 1, 2022

El Jadida


We got out of Marakesh and drove to the town of El Jadida. 
El Jadida is a coastal town with a lot of beaches and markets. In the town we went to a Workaway where (you work for them and they give you housing and they feed you) the Workaway that we volunteered at was where you teach English to English learners. 

While we were at the Workaway, we taught some classes and in our free time explored the market. In the market, there was a lot of good street food ( fish, vegetables, rice, and bread ). We walk the pier a lot, and one day, we found an awesome basketball court! The kids there were really nice, and we played a lot of basketball though the rim was at a very slanted angle and the backboard was broken, but it was still fun! We also got a very nice lunch and got an amazing smoothie! We’re settling in for the stay. 👍 


  1. Awesome pictures. You are getting quite an education.

    1. Yeah, I am and I will tell you that its more fun than school!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, I did help teach some classes but it was basic stuff like talking to them so they can practice their english.

  3. It looks like you were having fun playing basketball

  4. Hi Marshal, thanks for responding to my blog. I am having fun playing basketball! Are you doing anything cool in New York? How is hokey? I will keep you updated with further posts! Hope you are good!
