Monday, January 9, 2023


 This blog will be about Borneo! Borneo is a island off the coast of Malaysia and that island is where I will take you right now to the beginning of my adventure there. 

As soon as we flew into the airport in Mulu National Park (where we are staying) we took a very short car ride deeper into the jungle to our lodge ( the Gunung Mulu National Park lodges) 🏠 . Once we were there we settled down for a little while and then we got ready to go to Deer Cave At Deer Cave, it was pretty breathtaking 😮. As soon as we got in the cave we were on this boardwalk with these awesome rock formations that looked like all sorts of things from people to frogs 🐸. The cave also had a rock formation that when you looked at it from a certain side it looked like Abraham Lincoln’s face 🥸! The last thing about this cave is that if you come a certain time of day, 3 million bats flood out of the cave in search of food and they stay in formations as they’re rushing out 🦇😲! That was it for this cave, but there are many more cool things that happened in Mulu National Park.😄

For the rest of the time we were there (6 days), we visited some other caves including the following: Lang cave, Fastlane cave, Clearwater cave, and Cave of the Winds. They were all pretty epic👍! One of the cool things that we did near Clearwater caves is we got to swim in this natural spring💧. It had crystal-clear water, beautiful mossy rocks, and a little sandbar🪨🏝! We also did a Night Walk, which I probably liked the most because I LOVE night time photography: just seeing all the spiders, frogs, scorpions, and millipedes🕷🦂🐸. I like photographing frogs the most, though📸. The last thing that I will say about Mulu is there was a awesome little doggy that followed me everywhere 🐶! Gunung Mulu National Park was a great experience, and I would recommend it to anyone who is visiting Borneo🇲🇾.

So that was the end of our adventure in Mulu but not the end of our jungle adventure. We flew into a little town called Sepilock✈️. While we were there, we visited the Orangutan center and the Sun Bear center🦧🐻. At the Orangutan center we walked around the little board walk loop that they had. After we walked around for a little, we visited the feeding of the orangutans! The feeding was really cool, and the first one in the morning had a-lot of little monkeys (long-tailed macaque) and only a few small orangutans🐒🦧. Later in the afternoon feeding, a huge orangutan came and no little monkeys. It seemed like the little monkeys knew not to try to steal food when the big guys wake up in the afternoon. The feeding was awesome🍌! All of the orangutans came from ropes in the trees to this little platform, where they got fed🌲. They are some really cool monkeys! Fun fact: the orangutans share 96.4 percent of their DNA with humans! 😱

The Sun Bear center was very cool👍! We got to see the Sun Bear feeding, too. The worker there threw them cantaloupe and other assorted fruits🍈. The Sun Bears are the worlds smallest and least known type of bear, and they are very endangered because people either think they are cute so they buy one off the black market or somewhere  and keep them as a pet💸. They end up receiving very little care because as they get bigger people put them in metal cages and they get very poor treatment and usually end up dying☠️. The other reason why they are endangered is because the Chinese use their gull bladder for traditional medicine and end up killing the bear💊😵. They are so cute! You can tell if it is Sun Bear because they have a yellow V-shaped marking on the front of their chest. The Sun Bear Center was awesome and I would highly recommend it😁!

 The next day we flew into Kinabatangan National Reserve (still in Borneo). That reserve had all types of things and activities you can do. We only stayed there for 3 days but had a-lot of fun🥳. Some of the activities that we did were river tours where you see animals on the river from a boat, jungle walks where you trudged through mud up to your shins in the jungle, and night walks which were way better than the ones in Mulu🚣. On the night walk I trudged through the mud at night and I saw all sorts of amazing things.  What we saw on the night walks were a frogs, spiders, a webbed scorpion, a stick bug, and a Tarsier🕷🌜! The Tarsier was an amazing discovery because they are so rare😮. The night walks were miserable, hot, and there were a-lot of mosquitoes, but it was worth it in the end🦟. That was pretty much it before we got out of the jungle and into a small beach-side town, which I will tell you more about in my next blog🏖🏘! That’s it for this blog.  By:SilaG    😄 I spent 2 hours on this blog so you better enjoy it.


Big orangutan 

My insane strength


Sun Bear (which is totally added to my favorite animal list)!

Me in a cave

Proboscidea monkey

Tree top walk

Entrance to a cave

Deer cave

Me on a boat

The entrance to deer cave


Sun Bear!

The bats leaving deer cave

The springs

Clearwater cave

A snake


Abraham Lincoln face to the left cave entrance

Deer cave view

Me as a mud-dude

A pill millipede
A Bee nest! #1 favorite animal 

A lego that I made from scratch (with NO instructions)!


Stick bug

Sleeping bird

Me on a boat

The view from the boat


Small orangutans

A snake

Sun Bear!

Our lodge in the jungle

A disguised praying mantis

A cave

Tree top walk

Us at the restaurant 

Us on a boat

Sun Bear! (You can sort of see its markings)

Fastlane cave


  1. That sounds like an awesome time! I really enjoyed hearing about Borneo. Were the bats amazing? I can't fathom that many at once. Looking forward to your next blog post!

    1. Hi Mrs. Aimie, thanks for reading and responding! I’m glad that you liked this post! I actually did not see the bats because it was an 1hour hike to get there and before that we did a 4hour hike so I was tired and did not go. Also because the previous days that we went there was no bats and the one day that I decided not to go they all came flooding out. The I pictures and videos that my parents took looked really cool though. How are you guys doing? Thanks for reading and responding. Hope everything is well! -SilaG

  2. WOah, this is so cool! I love learning that new places exist; I've never even heard of Borneo! What an awesome adventure. The night walks and all of the bugs and spiders and creepy crawlies freak me OUT, but I definitely would have done it because how cool?! The part that sounds the most exciting to me are the walks through the mud and those swinging rope bridges and platforms. Like, how cool! It's basically a grown up playground. It's nice to see you guys are roughing it a bit more since Cambodia, I bet your dad has been loving it. Can't wait to share pictures in Vietnam, I'm going to make a blog post too!

    1. Hi, Thanks for reading and responding. FWI I also responded to your comment on Christmas in Phnom Penh.

      The night walks were freaky but amazing, I couldn’t really see the spiders unless I shined your flashlight on the ground because spiders eyes glint in the light so if I didn’t want to see them I just didn’t shine the flashlight on the ground. The walks through the mud was pretty cool but it took a lot of effort since my boots kept getting stuck in the mud. The bridges were awesome too but it was a short walk. My dad actually did not like the bridges because they were unstable and freaked him out. I liked them though. It’s cool that you’re going to do a Blog! Like I said in my other comment we have 3 more days in Borneo but my parents can’t stand it so they just booked tickets to Thailand for 5 days so we can do beachy stuff. And then after that we are going to Vietnam. We’ll see you guys soon in Vietnam! Thanks for reading and responding! -SilaG

  3. Hi Sila!
    The latest trip report looks amazing! Deer cave,Sun Bears,and tree top bridges.. 🙌
    Love all the pictures, really fun to see you guys in so many different experiences. Keep it coming! Ore is lovely this time of year,cold rainy and snowy ,but at least all the summer folk have dispersed. Looking forward to your next Blog ,sounds like you’re heading to Thailand?
    Big Sila.

    1. Hello Big Sila! Thank you for reading and responding! Deer cave and all of those activities were pretty awesome! All of the things that we have experienced are pretty cool. I am guessing that since all of the summer folk have left it is nice and quiet? I am also guessing that you have seen my new blog but if not, as you said, we are going to Thailand and after that Vietnam for the Lunar New Year. Hope you guys are well! -SilaG

  4. How wonderful is all of this! Wish I were there and learning about all of the wonderful things you are seeing. You're awesome for writing all of this for us. Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Patrick! All of this is pretty wonderful! I hope you are not getting rusty with those chess skills of yours, because if you slip then I will have an opportunity of DESTROYING you! Hope you are well in Florida. I’ll update soon! -SilaG
